Singing Guide: tick...BOOM! tick

Singing Guide: tick...BOOM! tick

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Jonathan Larson's "tick...BOOM!" is a semi-autobiographical show that highlights his career struggles as a composer just before his major breakthrough with "Rent." In this show, he not only showcases his musical genius but also his vocal ability through several songs like "Green Green Dress," "No More," "30/90," and "Real Life."

To sing like Jonathan Larson, it is essential to understand and practice some fundamental techniques, including breathing, vocal range, and voice registers. To improve breathing and breath support, you can use Singing Carrots' "Breath Support" blog, which offers tips and exercises to improve breath control and enable better vocal outcomes. Similarly, if you want to work on vocal registers and understand vocal breaks, Singing Carrots' "Voice Registers & Vocal Break" blog is your ultimate resource.

To sing some of Jonathan Larson's high notes, you must explore training tools like Singing Carrots' "Vocal Range Test" and "Pitch Accuracy Test." The former evaluates your range and helps you identify high notes that may be a challenge. The latter assesses your ability to match pitch and ensures that you can hit the right notes accurately.

To further work on voice range and agility, Singing Carrots' "Pitch Training," "Song Search," and "Songbook" features are invaluable. These functionalities contain warm-ups, exercises, and a massive database of songs to help you develop different aspects of your singing ability.

In summary, to sing like Jonathan Larson, focus on breathing, voice registers, and agility and pitch accuracy. Utilize Singing Carrots resources like "Breath Support," "Vocal Range Test," "Pitch Accuracy Test," "Pitch Training," "Song Search," and "Songbook" to achieve that goal.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.